Welcome to the EBN Academy Free School.
EBN Academy was established to provide students in the East Birmingham Network with outstanding Alternative Provision. We firmly believe our students deserve every opportunity to reach their potential through an exciting, enriching yet challenging curriculum.
I am privileged to lead a dedicated, caring highly skilled team of staff who believe firmly that there is a “No loss to learning” and a “No excuses” culture ensuring that no student is left behind. It is our aim that every student leaves student leaves the Academy with the currency required to go on to successful appropriate further education.
The EBN Academy operates upon a strong set of core values which is at the heart of everything we do. These centre upon respect, resilience, integrity, honesty, ambition, motivation, compliance and hard work. Thus developing our students as aspirational young people who will be confident leaders of the future. Despite our students having previously found mainstream education challenging at times, EBN Academy promotes and instils a new positive aspirational attitude towards education which enables higher levels of learning to take place.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that enables students to access both GCSE courses and vocational careers providing enrichment and a rigorous mentoring programme to support all needs as identified.
The Academy delivers high quality teaching across all subjects which challenges students to make accelerated progress from their identified starting points. Students are encouraged to be creative, take risks and build resilience through adopting a growth mindset as soon as they join the Academy.
The view of our students are extremely important to us and our successful student voice team who work closely with the community supporting several local projects and businesses.
Everyone who visits our Academy speaks of our strong ethos and mutual support. We are a responsible and responsive community at EBN Academy and our staff and students are passionate about how they can make a difference to others.
We look forward to leading your child through the next phase of their education.
Head Teacher