
Good discipline is essential for the running of a well-ordered school community in which staff and pupils can work co-operatively in mutual respect and with enjoyment. We are positive in our approach and set out to reward good behaviour rather than take it for granted.

Pupils need to be prepared for the world of work and, to help with this, we operate a system whereby all work missed during the day must be completed before the pupil leaves at the end of the day.

Our rules and Code of Conduct are constantly and consistently reinforced. A very clear message is given about how pupils are expected to behave and what the consequences are for anyone who chooses to behave in an unacceptable way. We believe in ‘nipping in the bud’ problems which, when tracked at an early stage, do not become too great to be solved. We pay particular attention to dealing with bullying. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind.

The rewards system is a points based system whereby every pupil is awarded 50 points every day. There is a clear tariff showing how pupils can give away points through inappropriate behaviour.  Pupils reflect on their behaviour and the number of points they have given away during the daily assembly. Points can be ‘cashed’ in for reward vouchers or other items at any point during the year. However, many pupils choose to collect the points over a longer period of time and ‘purchase’ reward trips and prom tickets.


Code of Conduct

The Staff and Students at EBN Academy will agree a Code of Conduct and everyone is expected to follow this. The code stresses 3 things-


  • Perform to the best of your ability
  • Come to school with a positive attitude
  • Be aware of the consequences of your actions

Being Fair:

  • Listen carefully to everyone’s views and options before making judgements and assumptions
  • Everyone has the right to speak and be heard even if their views are different from others


  • Respect others, their opinions, their privacy and their property
  • Care for the environment in and around school
  • Show respect and common courtesy to all members of the school
  • Respect the achievements of others: everyone has  the right to achieve