Our Mission & Values
EBN Academy Ethos:
The students in the East Birmingham Network deserve the best opportunity to achieve their potential irrespective of barriers to learning that may have existed. “No Loss to Learning – No one left behind” “Develop to Achieve” As adults it is our job to prepare all of our pupils for the challenges, responsibilities and experience of adult life.
EBN Academy Vision:
That every student at the EBN Academy leaves with the same academic currency as any other student attending an outstanding mainstream school. An environment where outstanding discipline enables outstanding teaching which leads to accelerated progress and learning to take place To develop a sense of community based on respect, resilience and hard work. All members of the school community – pupils, parents, teachers and other staff are hold each other in very high regard and their dignity, worth and individuality is respected. Create an aspirational culture for all individuals who come to the Academy.
EBN Mission Statement
“The key to our success come from our absolute and unstinting commitment to every young person’s future. We are relentless and brave in our pursuit of opportunities and solutions for the future of young people through the unique collaboration of educational providers in the East of Birmingham.”