Scheme of Delegation
Report: the individual/group that has responsibility for reporting on the delivery of tasks. In the case of:
(i) The Head Teacher will be making reports in relation to their Academy to the EHT and/or LGB (as appropriate).
(ii) The LGB will be making reports in relation to the Academies to the Board of Trustee’s and/or EP (as appropriate)
(iii) The EHT will be making reports to the Board of Trustee’s and/or LGB (as appropriate)
Review: the individual/group that has responsibility for reviewing whether a particular task is being carried out satisfactorily and where appropriate requiring action to be taken to ensure task is delivered appropriately. In the case of
(I) The EHT will be reviewing the Head of School
(ii) The LGB will be reviewing the Head of School and the leadership team.
(iii) The Board of Trustee’s will be reviewing the EHT and/or LGB (as appropriate),
Comply: the individual/group will follow agreed policies and procedures.
To assist interpretation of the matters delegated the table below provides additional comment as appropriate.