Our School
EBN Vision and Ethos
The EBN Academy Trust is committed to providing Alternative Provision Free Schools that support mainstream schools in meeting the needs of vulnerable young people who are at risk of underachievement and exclusion from mainstream school. Through collaborative working with commissioning schools and other wider services, vulnerable young people will be given the opportunity to fulfil their academic potential, develop their social and interpersonal skills and have clear post 16 pathways which allow them to follow their aspirations. Our core value that there should be “No Loss to Learning” and “No-One left behind” drives us to ensure the students at the EBN Academies are provided with best opportunity to achieve their full potential. This includes a curriculum offer students access to between 5-8 GCSE, BTEC and Vocational subjects that will enable them to access the Post-16 pathway of their choosing, delivery by highly committed and driven teaching and support staff, support for the development of literacy and numeracy skills, focussed interventions where issues arise and relevant and supportive Post-16 guidance and support.
The EBN Academies are student-centred communities based around a culture of high expectations, honesty, tolerance and respect. All professional colleagues associated with the Trust are responsible for embedding and delivering the vision for the Academies, will have high aspirations for every student, will take responsibility for supporting students in preparing for adult life and work tirelessly to support the students and families the Academies serve. Students will be extremely motivated to achieve their potential and will show high levels of discipline, motivation and aspiration.